
Baby Jogger XC Summit Double Giveaway (CLOSED)

Congrats to the winner, Carrie Bruce Smith, on winning the Baby Jogger XC Summit Double Stroller!

Congrats to Brittany Blocker on winning a complimentary entry to the Marzuq  Shriners 5k on May 13th! 

Update 4/9/2017: I was honored to be able to pass my stroller on to another family. After reading through the comments I was touched by so many moms and friends and family members of moms. I wish I could provide strollers to each of you!

*This is a sponsored post brought to you by Complete Nutrition Tallahassee and Marzuq Shriners 5k. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*


The time has come to part with my Baby Jogger stroller. My girls are now six and eight years old and have been running their own races the past couple of years. I held on to our jogging stroller and kept it in storage because it meant so much to me. There were many journeys, miles, several 5ks and 10ks raced with this awesome stroller.

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$100 Athleta/Old Navy/GAP Giftcard Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Jen Bendewish │Running Down a Dream

Congrats to the winner – BirdieBee52  on winning the giftcard! Take a moment to hop on over to Pinterest and follower her too!

Last week, the Fall 2014 Athleta catalog arrived in the mail. It was intercepted by my husband (who happens to love workout gear). I was surprised to see him flipping through the pages when I walked in the house after work. The commentary that proceeded went a little like this…

Husband: “What is Athleta?”

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