
Day 21 of 90: Birthday Week, a Cold, and a Taper

21 days down. My stats:

Weight: 131.5 (loss = 3.5 pounds)

Chest: 38

Waist: 31.5 (.5 inch loss)

Hips: 36.5 (1.5 inch loss)

Bicep Circumference: 11.2 (.2 inch gain!)

Thigh Circumference: 21.75 (1.0 inch loss)

I’ve lost .4 pounds this week, a total  of 3.5 pounds total. My measurements did not change this week, but I am honestly surprised that I did not gain this week.

My triumphs this week: I lost .4 pounds this week,. I’ve built up to 3:10 minutes on holding the plank in my 30 day challenge. Taken and passed my CFP Tax Planning Final Exam. One class left to go!

My struggles this week: My two-year-old passed a cold on to me, so I have been consuming lots of fluids, more orange juice than usual and eating more. I was supposed to treat this week as a taper for tomorrow’s half marathon and the taper turned into doing nothing most of the week. My birthday was Thursday, which led to eating lots of sweets and a few big meals this week. So, I am very surprised to have sustained a loss this week instead of a gain.