Tag Archives: 30 day challenge

A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 30, 3:00 and done!

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.17) Day 30 – 3:00 sec: Well, I did not end my 30 day challenge with a new PR and I was two days late. Saturday’s half marathon (my third half marathon this year) was more demanding on my knee than I was prepared for. So, I decided to finish my weekend and my challenge with a 3:00 plank in honor of day 30. I never thought I would get to 4:00 minutes and am quite proud that I have. A buddy of mine has texted me and challenged me to plank every day till the end of the year to see what kind of PR we can set. HHmmmm…. I am still not sure if I am ready to accept this challenge.


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A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 29, 4:00 and a cupcake!!!

4 minute plank

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.14) Day 29 – 4:00 sec: After a houseful of little girls over for Valentine’s Day and full belly of pizza, I found myself drifting off to sleep on the living room floor. Suddenly, I remembered the 4 minute challenge that was still staring me in the face. Doubtful, I assumed the position. At the 1 minute mark I felt good enough to smile for a picture. At the 2 minute mark I could feel the pain, but there was also a glimmer of hope that I could indeed make it, after all I had passed the halfway point already. At the 3 minute mark I was sweating , my lower back was beginning to hurt and my legs burning. At 3:30 I was pretty much crying… but, I made it! 4:00 conquered… yes, I had to have a cupcake after that.

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A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 28, 4:00 – Still elusive.

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.12) Day 28 – 4:00 sec: Well, the second attempt to hold for 4 minutes was not a success. 3:35 was my limit tonight. I will be doing an easy run at lunch tomorrow, so maybe I will start my run with a 4 minute plank warm up. I thought about recording a video clip of the planking episode, but who on earth would watch 4 minutes of someone just planking? V-Day might just be mine.

Recap: Continue reading

A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 26, 3:50 – My back does not like me anymore

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.11) Day 25 – 3:50 sec: First attempt – made it to 2:30. Considered throwing in the towel. I waited about 15 minutes and tried again. I was able to make it to 3:50 but it wasn’t pretty and my form was awful from 2:30 – 3:20. My lower back is not enjoying this torture any more. If I can make it to 4:00 by the end of this challenge, then I am going to do some serious ab work next.

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