Tag Archives: exercise

Step aside boys, this girl is going to relive her high school max and bench press 1-0-5… pounds that is.

A long, long time ago….. like, back in the olden days….. I was a high school kid and stuck in class that I truly dreaded…..

When I was a junior in high school, a mistake was made in putting together my schedule and somehow I was stuck taking weight lifting for P.E. instead of the dance class I so desperately wanted to take. Maybe that is a stretch. I may not have wanted to take dance, but I know I didn’t want to be in a sweaty old weight lifting room with a bunch of stinky boys. One other girl was stuck in the class with me and together we went to the P.E. teacher together to beg to be kicked out of the class and put in another P.E. class. Not only was he the P.E. teacher, he was also the wrestling coach. Surely, he would be glad to evict a couple of puny 5’1″ tall girls out of his class.

We were not so lucky. After begging and I think my classmate even cried, he said that he would not sign off on us getting out of his class. He told us the class would be good for us and us two girls would team up and train together through the semester. But, I didn’t want to get all bulky like a boy I complained. He just laughed. Continue reading

A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 30, 3:00 and done!

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.17) Day 30 – 3:00 sec: Well, I did not end my 30 day challenge with a new PR and I was two days late. Saturday’s half marathon (my third half marathon this year) was more demanding on my knee than I was prepared for. So, I decided to finish my weekend and my challenge with a 3:00 plank in honor of day 30. I never thought I would get to 4:00 minutes and am quite proud that I have. A buddy of mine has texted me and challenged me to plank every day till the end of the year to see what kind of PR we can set. HHmmmm…. I am still not sure if I am ready to accept this challenge.


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A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 29, 4:00 and a cupcake!!!

4 minute plank

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.14) Day 29 – 4:00 sec: After a houseful of little girls over for Valentine’s Day and full belly of pizza, I found myself drifting off to sleep on the living room floor. Suddenly, I remembered the 4 minute challenge that was still staring me in the face. Doubtful, I assumed the position. At the 1 minute mark I felt good enough to smile for a picture. At the 2 minute mark I could feel the pain, but there was also a glimmer of hope that I could indeed make it, after all I had passed the halfway point already. At the 3 minute mark I was sweating , my lower back was beginning to hurt and my legs burning. At 3:30 I was pretty much crying… but, I made it! 4:00 conquered… yes, I had to have a cupcake after that.

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A Plank a Day Challenge: Day 28, 4:00 – Still elusive.

I decided to take on the plank a day challenge for 30 days. I have never held the plank position for more than 90 seconds at one time so I am wondering if I will really be able to hold it longer than that as time wears on.

(2.12) Day 28 – 4:00 sec: Well, the second attempt to hold for 4 minutes was not a success. 3:35 was my limit tonight. I will be doing an easy run at lunch tomorrow, so maybe I will start my run with a 4 minute plank warm up. I thought about recording a video clip of the planking episode, but who on earth would watch 4 minutes of someone just planking? V-Day might just be mine.

Recap: Continue reading

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